Monday, January 10, 2011

Hans SIGHger

That's right. I'm getting local. I think it's a lot easier to write about someone you will never meet. I actually have a pretty high chance of running in to this guy at Top Foods. Or perhaps a Puyallup favorite, Bumpy's. I would buy him a "Touch Down"- another Puyallup favorite...because I love this community too. But here goes nothing...all things I would probably say to his face:

Listen...I'm sure Hans Zeiger is a nice guy. In fact, I met him once--He came to my door and handed me a flier and seemed very friendly and warm. He is 25, and unseated an incumbent for the State House of Reps. In all sincerity, that is really amazing. He also already has a masters degree, and is clearly motivated. Besides just not agreeing with his political views in general, I took issue when, after I heard all his talk about building community and how much he loves Puyallup and such, I heard that he said this:

"One might wonder why the Girl Scouts have been spared the painful attacks that have been launched upon the Boy Scouts by the Left in recent years. The reasons are simple: the Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps. … If the Girl Scouts of America can’t get back to teaching real character, perhaps it will be time to look for our cookies elsewhere.”

And then didn't exactly refute it. He basically just said he was young, and then said: "Zeiger told me he still believes the Girl Scouts have strayed from their roots, but notes that isn't likely to come up if he becomes a legislator."  
 No apologies to Girl Scouts, homosexuals, atheists, pro-choice activists or feminists. Just simply, "That won't come up if I'm a legislator." YEAH--Thank Goodness it won't. This is what I hear: "Community is *So* important to me! Welcome to our lovely Puyallup Community! Unless you are queer, have different political and/or religious beliefs than me, then you don't have 'real character' and thus we shouldn't include you." (I understand saying things when you were younger that you don't believe me. I was heavily involved in church and when I was younger expressed that I didn't think gay marriage was "right", something which I truly regret thinking and speaking aloud. The problem I have with Zeiger is that he didn't apologize. I will tell anyone about my past and how I have changed my way of thinking, and I have apologized to homosexuals I didn't even know when I was younger because I felt so bad for blindly accepting what the church told me as truth.)

So needless to say, I'm not a fan.  

So then there is this absolutely glowing piece in The Herald the other day about how great and wonderful he is. So the article is going on and on about how great he is, and then it ends with him saying that his "Goals in life are to write a book about the history of Puyallup and to marry a beautiful woman."


Really? That is your goal? Smart woman? Sassy woman? Woman who makes you a better person just for knowing them? Woman that expands your views and horizons...possibly about controversial topics about women's rights that you might not have thought about? A woman who can be your political/academic partner who can help you and encourage you?

Nope. Just a pretty one.  

Now, I am probably being a bit nit-picky, but that quote just made me really frustrated because this guy is supposed to be representing me, and he clearly isn't, but yet he is talking about "community." To me that says "I'm going to create a community in which you are not involved and you can just stand there and be pretty."

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